CPAP Frequently Asked Questions

AmaraInUse_CKHILgAt Liberty Oxygen and Medical Equipment, we host free CPAP clinics at each of our eight Minneapolis-St. Paul metro area locations twice per year. Our free clinics have proven to be a huge success over the years, so look for more in the future and be sure to stop in! During the CPAP clinics, our knowledgeable staff will:

  • Examine your mask supplies and replace them if needed
  • Check your pressure and settings
  • Fit you with a new, comfortable CPAP mask if necessary or desired
  • Walk you through cleaning procedures
  • Show you all the latest accessories – be sure to check out our fun novelty mask attachments while you’re there!

CPAP accentAt these FREE clinics at each of our eight Minnesota locations, we are asked a wide variety of questions and thought it would be helpful to share some of these frequently asked questions with everyone.

Why is the bridge of my nose sore?
This may occur due to the CPAP mask sitting on that part of the nose for so long. There is no fatty tissue here, just skin on top of the nose, thus a tender area. Try padding the mask with moleskin or medical tape. Cut the piece to size to fit on the mask so the soft part is next to your skin.

When will I start feeling better?
There is no one answer for this question. It varies per individual. You should have as a goal to be using it for at least 4-6 hours every night. It usually takes this amount of time on the machine to feel effects. It takes some people just 1 week to feel the beneficial results, and for others it can take up to a few months. Be patient and continue to do your therapy every night.

Why do I feel dry in my nose and/or throat?
If your nose is dry, or the back of your throat or mouth is dry, you may need to increase your humidity. Increase the amount by just one “number setting” and give your body a few nights to adjust to the change.

Why is water in my mask?
If you have water droplets in your CPAP mask you may have too much humidity set. Decrease your humidity by one “number setting” and give your body a few nights to adjust to this change.

When I have a cold or am congested, should I still be doing my therapy?
Yes. When you are congested you may need to increase your humidity setting. Increase it by on “number setting.” Let your body adjust to the change. If you are sneezing in your mask, make sure to clean it daily.

What is the “rattling” or “gurgling” sound that I hear?
If the humidity setting is too high, condensation or water may occur in the tubing. This is most likely what you are hearing. A couple of things you may do:

  • Ensure the devise is not positioned in a cool draft.
  • Decrease the humidity setting. Gradually decrease the setting until condensation no longer occurs.
  • Warm the air in the room.
  • You may purchase a “tube wrap” from Liberty Oxygen and Medical Equipment.

Why does my mouth fill up with air and it sputters?
This means that you are opening your mouth while sleeping. Your air passageway detects this and instead of keeping the air pressure going down the airway, it ‘bypasses’ into the mouth, thus the feeling of air filling up. Because of the air in the mouth, it makes your lips “sputter.”

Why am I waking up several times, yet I thought I was sleeping good?
Your body sleeps on 2 hour cycles. It is not uncommon to fully awake sometimes during the night. If you are on an auto machine, stop your machine and restart it up. If you are on straight settings, ramp your machine to go to the lower pressure, this allowing you to get back to sleep easier with the lower pressure, and building up.

Do I have to use distilled water?
The use of distilled water will maximize the life of your water chamber. Water from the faucet (even if it is passed through a filter) will often contain minerals which can damage the chamber, cause pitting in the base, corrosion, or possibly leaks.

How often should I get new CPAP supplies (mask, water chamber, tubing, filters)?
Insurance companies allow new supplies every 6 (six) months. For the health of your respiratory system it is recommended that you do get new supplies regularly.

What is the best and easiest way to clean my CPAP equipment?
There is an automated machine called SoClean that cleans and sanitizes your CPAP equipment, killing 99.9% of CPAP germs and bacteria in your mask, hose and reservoir. There is no water or no chemicals used and you do not have to disassemble the mask.

Does it matter if I use a mask from one manufacturer with a machine and tubing from another manufacturer?
No, the tubing is universal and fits all machines and mask makes.

Can I use my device in other countries?
Yes, just use the appropriate electrical socket adapter and the machine will adjust to any voltage supply.

If you are a CPAP or BiPAP user and have further questions about your CPAP or other medical equipment or upcoming CPAP clinics, please contact Liberty Oxygen and Medical Equipment by calling or stopping at one of our eight locations throughout Minneapolis & St Paul. Any of our knowledgeable staff members can assist you.

Posted on: May 23rd, 2016 by Francis Sheehy in CPAP | 1 Comment
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One Response

  1. Dan Moses says:

    Hi Great Blog you’ve share very informative info about CPAP Supplies

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