Get a “Lift” in One of Our Quality Chairs

lift chairHave you noticed that you or a loved one is having difficulty getting up and down from a chair or couch? This could be a sign of mobility issues and incorporating the use of a power lift chair into a daily routine will offer a more independent living lifestyle and reduce the risk of falling.

At Liberty Oxygen & Medical Equipment in Minnesota, we take pride in ensuring that our customers purchase a lift chair that fits his or her needs. We take into consideration the customer’s size as the chair needs to fit a person’s height, weight, and shape. Next, we ask how the chair will be used. Although, lift chairs are not made to be used as beds, many people find it necessary to sleep in their chair for long periods of time. In this case, a dual motor chair is ideal because it allows the person to recline in an infinite number of positions including zero gravity. We ask what physical conditions the customer possesses. A customer with some dementia issues will need a simple controller with fewer buttons. A customer with cardiac issues will benefit from a chair that will move into the Trendelenberg position, allowing the feet to rise above the heart. A customer prone to incontinence will need a chair made of a non-absorbent material.

Why buy a lift chair from Liberty instead of a furniture store? It’s simple really. The lift chairs sold in furniture stores start out as a recliner and the motor is added to the recliner after the fact. A lift chair sold in a medical supply company, such as Liberty Oxygen & Medical Equipment, is focused on the motor. The motor comes first and the chair is built around it making it more durable. Overall, a medical lift chair will last longer than a furniture-brand lift chair.

maxi comforter lift chairOne of the most popular lift chair styles we sell is a Golden Technologies Maxi-Comforter. The benefits with this chair are endless. There are several different styles available in this series of lift chair making it perfect in any home’s decor. These chairs have dual motors which allow the back of the chair to move independently from the seat. Also, the controller has the option to control several preset positions. For example, if I press the “TV” button on the controller, the chair will move into the ideal TV-viewing position, sitting up with your legs up. There is even an option for the end-user to program their favorite position into the controller. This series of chairs allows the most versatility, allowing the chair to go flat (like a bed), into a “total comfort” position, and zero gravity.

It’s important for lift chairs to have a battery back-up capability so that, if the electricity goes out, the consumer will not be stuck in their chair. Two 9-volt batteries are easily accessible in the back of the chairs.

We often get the question, “Will my insurance pay for the entire lift chair?” The answer is no insurance will not pay for the entire cost of a lift chair. If a customer qualifies for insurance coverage, the most that will be covered is the lift mechanism, approximately $365. To qualify for insurance coverage on a lift chair, the customer must have a detailed, written order from his physician, with the diagnosis listed. The customer needs to suffer from a neuromuscular disease, such as Parkinson’s, or severe Arthritis of the lower limbs. He/she must be unable to stand from a normal chair on his/her own but able to walk once standing. If Medicare is the primary insurance, face-to-face notes from the customer’s medical chart is required.

As you can see, there are many options to choose from and things to consider when purchasing a power lift chair. It can become overwhelming when researching your options, so don’t hesitate to ask questions. The benefits gained will be well worth your efforts in research. Any of the Customer Care Specialists at Liberty will be able to assist you, including helping you with questions on insurance coverage. Contact us today at Liberty Oxygen & Medical Equipment to learn more!

Posted on: November 29th, 2014 by Francis Sheehy in Medical Equipment | 2 Comments
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2 Responses

  1. im looking for a life chair I have a spinal cord tumor and a blood clot in my brian and cant sleep in bed do you take medacare and aarp medicare rx

    • Lisa Schmidtke says:

      Give our St. Louis Park store a call at 952-920-0460 and we can answer your questions and fit you with the best chair for your needs.

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