Power Mobility Scooters – How to Know Which Type of Mobility Equipment is Needed

There are so many options to choose from, but how do you know which type of mobility equipment is best for your situation or needs? In this series of articles on mobility equipment we take a look at the various options available and give you some information on each type to help you know which piece of equipment may be best suited for you or your senior loved one’s needs. This is the third article in the series and we’ll focus on power mobility scooters to help you understand if this type of equipment is needed for your situation. If you missed our previous articles in the series, click on the link for more information on crutches and knee walkers or walkers and rollatorsscooter

A person who suffers from muscular degeneration, COPD, shortness of breath, weakness, tremors, or has difficulty with balance, weakness or dizziness to name a few examples, may be an ideal candidate for the assistance of a power mobility scooter. This person typically cannot complete activities in their daily living, such as dressing, toileting, ambulating or eating without assistance, but must be capable of operating a power vehicle in the home.

When choosing a power mobility scooter to fit your needs, especially during the Minnesota winter months, you should consider these factors:

  • Portability
  • Indoor maneuverability
  • Versatility, both indoors and outdoors
  • Outdoor capabilities, including performance and speed
  • Weight capacity

If you want to ensure the power mobility scooter, or other type of mobility equipment qualifies for coverage under Medicare there is specific criteria that must be met with each type of equipment. Since the qualifying criteria is different for each type or situation, let the staff members at Liberty Oxygen and Medical Equipment answer your questions. We have assisted many of our Minnesota clients with handling the paperwork to help you qualify for payment assistance through Medicare. Even if you do not qualify for assistance, we are happy to answer your questions and help where we can.

Golden Technologies is a leading manufacturer of mobility equipment and Liberty Oxygen is proud to partner with them to offer our customers the superb craftsmanship and lasting durability and performance of their products. We carry a wide variety of Golden scooters at all of our Minneapolis/St. Paul metro locations and will be happy to help you choose a model that gives you the right combination of size, weight, portability, and accessories for your needs. IMG_2983

With any of the above mentioned mobility aids, you can customize or personalize the equipment in a variety of ways. Liberty Oxygen offers creative ways to ‘trick out’ your medical equipment and many accessory pieces to help you transport items safely while maintaining the functionality to continue managing daily chores or errands independently. Stop in at any of the eight Minneapolis/St. Paul metro Liberty Oxygen and Medical Equipment locations and let the creative staff members show you some ideas to take your mobility equipment pieces to the next level.

There are many options to choose from and each customer’s situation is unique. Let our professional, trained experts at Liberty Oxygen and Medical Equipment help you know what type of equipment fits best with your needs and will ensure your senior loved one is using the most efficient and safe type of mobility aid. IMG_2988

Posted on: December 30th, 2015 by Francis Sheehy in General | 1 Comment
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One Response

  1. Hey, very nice site. I came across this on Google, and I am stoked that I did. I will definitely be coming back here more often. Wish I could add to the conversation and bring a bit more to the table, but am just taking in as much info as I can at the moment. Thanks for sharing.
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    Keep Posting:)

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